Forums Indicator discussion MTH Renko Builder Indicator Reply To: MTH Renko Builder Indicator


    Ooh, an update: MT4 Ticker seems to have a disagreement with the latest version of Renko Builder, at least on the specific build of MT4 that I tested with. I have both the latest version, MTH-b-700-Accel-Shift-Flip-Renko-Builder-Indi, provided in post 1 of this thread, and the older ! MTH MT4 B604 Accel Shift Renko Builder Indi v01 which was obtained from the old FF thread. I had the old indi set to create an offline chart at M11, and the new indi to create at M13. As you can see from the included screenshot, M13 blew up like Tetsuo’s arm in Akira.

    After deleting the 2GB file, terminal loads correctly again.

    I don’t know at this time whether it’s an issue in MT4 Ticker, the build of MT4 that I tested it with (which is an MBTrading demo, version 765), or the latest renko builder indi ― but anyone thinking of trying MT4 Ticker with b-700 of renko builder should be advised that this might happen.




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